When To See a Dermatologist

Your skin will go through many changes throughout your lifetime. Some of these changes are natural and normal due to aging. But there are some changes to the skin that should not be ignored and warrant a visit to a dermatologist. Our team of skilled dermatologists from Kind Dermatology and Medical Spa knows the difference between a benign issue of the skin and something that may be more serious. If you are looking for a dermatologist in Santa Barbara, CA, you've come to the right place. Read on to learn some signs that signal a consultation with a dermatologist is a must.

What are some signs that mean a dermatologist should be consulted?

Minor issues and changes that involve the skin do not always need to be seen by a dermatologist. This includes things like bug bites, minor acne, warts, and dandruff. If you notice any of the symptoms below, you should see a dermatologist in Santa Barbara, CA as soon as possible.

  • Severe acne: This is mentioned first as acne is listed above as not needing the services of a dermatologist. But that is only for very minor acne, which is not very bothersome to you. If you have persistent, painful, severe acne that is affecting your life, you should see a dermatologist.
  • Persistent dry, itchy, and reddened skin that fails to respond to treatment provided by a PCP. These could be possible signs of psoriasis or eczema.
  • Rosacea: This condition primarily involves a red flush on your cheeks and nose, but may extend to the chest and neck as well. It may also affect the eyes. Skin bumps and swelling may be present and in severe cases, the skin will thicken. It is thought to occur because of blood vessels expanding too quickly in response to heat, exercise, spicy food, etc. There is no cure for it but the condition can be controlled with medication.
  • Change is the size or shape of a mole or freckle.
  • A rash that covers more than 10% of your body and does not resolve after several days. It is even more important to consult a dermatologist when this rash is accompanied by a fever, severe itchiness, or pain.
  • Sores that do not heal.
  • Unexpected hair loss 
  • A patch of skin that is noticeably lighter or darker in color than the rest of your skin.
  • Unsightly veins (varicose or spider veins)

Contact us

Our skin is our largest organ and the part of our anatomy that is most visible. We want to keep you looking and feeling as healthy as possible. If you have a skin problem, schedule a consultation with a dermatologist in Santa Barbara, CA at Kind Dermatology and Medical Spa by calling (805) 250-9891.


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