FAQs About Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

How laser treatment from your dermatologists in Santa Barbara, CA, can help fade acne scars

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting both teenagers and adults. One of the more troublesome things about acne is that it can leave behind ugly scars, even after you no longer have acne breakouts. Fortunately, your dermatologist can help fade acne scars with laser treatment.

The dermatologists at Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa in Santa Barbara, CA, provide a wide range of medical and cosmetic dermatology services, including laser treatment for acne scars.

If you are considering laser treatment for acne scars, there are a few helpful things to know. These are some frequently asked questions and answers about laser treatment for acne scars:

How does laser treatment work?

Lasers use precise light energy to boost skin cell production. The new skin cells replace the scar tissue, fading away the scar one layer at a time.

What happens during laser scar removal treatment?

A cooling cream is applied to the area being treated. Then, the precise laser light is focused on the area. Treatment takes only a few minutes.

Are there any side effects to laser scar removal?

You may notice some temporary redness and swelling.

Why should I choose laser scar removal treatment?

Unlike some other scar removal treatments, laser scar removal treatment is precisely focused only on scar tissue, not your entire face or body. Laser scar removal treatment also requires no downtime, so you can get back to your day.

What are some other dermatology treatments using lasers?

  • Laser resurfacing, helps to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Laser hair removal, which damages the hair follicle so the hair doesn’t grow back
  • Laser tattoo removal, which fades the tattoo by dissolving the tattoo pigment

To learn more about how laser treatment can treat acne scarring, talk with the experts. Call the dermatologists at Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa in Santa Barbara, CA, at (805) 250-9891. Call today.


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