How Often Should I See A Dermatologist?

If you have any skin conditions or want to learn how to properly care for your skin, a dermatologist at Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa in Santa Barbara, CA can provide the care and relief you need.

Importance of Dermatology Appointments

While most people understand the importance of regular visits to their dentist and primary care physician, there are a few other doctors that tend to get overlooked for regular care. Dermatologists are one of these.

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it plays an essential role. It protects all of your internal organs and body systems. In order to provide this protection, it acts as a barrier to bacteria, chemicals, and weather conditions that can impact your health. Therefore, it takes quite a beating every day. 

This puts your skin at risk of a variety of issues, including cancer, acne, rashes, and more. A dermatologist can help address and treat these issues, as well as give you guidance for taking great care of your skin.

How Often Should I See a Dermatologist?

In most cases, visiting a dermatologist at Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa in Santa Barbara, CA once a year is plenty. During these visits, your skin will be screened for any potential issues, including skin cancer, and you’ll receive any recommendations necessary to provide the best care for your skin.

If during these visits your doctor notices any issues, they might recommend that you visit more often. This will typically occur if you have signs or a family history of skin cancer, suspicious growths that need to be monitored, or if you have a frustrating and chronic condition, like acne or rosacea.

You might also need to make appointments in between regular visits if you notice any signs of trouble. This can include the following and more: 

  • You develop a rash, especially one that won’t go away.
  • You notice a lesion that looks infected. 
  • A new mole develops or a current one changes in appearance. 
  • You have scars or notice discoloration. 
  • Your scalp becomes red and itchy or you begin losing hair. 
  • You have varicose or spider veins.
  • You have chronic acne. 

These are just a few signs, but you should keep an eye out for any changes in your skin. Though not everything is a sign of danger, any changes should be evaluated as soon as possible.

Take charge of your skin by scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist at Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa in Santa Barbara, CA by calling (805) 250-9891 today.


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