Micro-needling with PRP


What is PRP?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a portion of the patient’s own blood. To get the PRP, we remove a vial of your blood and spin it down to extract the PRP. PRP is then placed on top of the skin after micro-needling. PRP is rich in growth factors and nutrients that promote healing. When we pair it with micro-needling it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Combining Micro-needling with PRP

Micro-needling makes micro-channels in the skin. The making of these micro-channels activates normal wound healing in the layers of the skin. This wound healing leads to tightening and smoothing the texture of the skin. Also, the micro-channels created by micro-needling allows the PRP to deeply penetrate the dermis (a deeper layer of the skin). In the dermis, the PRP delivers growth factors and nutrients that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. During a micro-needling session, the provider will apply PRP directly to the skin after micro-needling. The provider may recommend that you continue the topical product daily until you next micro-needling session.

How is Micro-needling with PRP performed?

Micro-needling is performed using an electronic device that vibrates 12 tiny surgical-grade needles to produces microscopic punctures in the skin. The skin is first anesthetized with a cream that must sit on the skin for 30minutes. Then after the skin has been numbed, the cream is removed with a substance that sterilizes the skin to prevent infection. After the skin has been cleaned, then the micro-needling is performed with the electric pen device.
To extract the PRP, the physician will take a vial of blood with a needle and skin it down in a centrifuge device. The PRP is then removed from the vial and put on top of the skin after the micro-needling.

When will I See the Results?

We typically recommend 6 sessions 1month apart. Most patients see results in 3months. Maximum results are reached 3months after you finish your last session. The effects of micro-needling with PRP are long lasting. If you continue to use appropriate anti-aging skin care and sun-protection, your results can be long-lived.

What does Micro-needling with PRP treat?

Micro-needling with PRP can be performed on many areas of the body such as face, neck, chest, abdomen, forearms, and hands. Micro-needling with PRP improves fine lines and deep wrinkles. Micro-needling with PRP also improve skin pigmentation and will soften scars associated with acne. If you are interested in finding out more consult a dermatologist today. Micro-needling with PRP is a safe and effective treatment for any skin type even people with darker skin tones. Micro-needling with PRP does not have the risk associated with laser and light treatments and may be the best option for deeper lines and acne scars.

What should I do before my Micro-needling with PRP procedure?

To minimize bruising, we advise that you stop all blood thinners at least 5-days before your treatment. Do NOT stop a blood thinner is you have been directed by a physician to take a blood thinner after having had a stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or if you have an irregular heart beat or artificial heart valves. Also, please stop over the counter pain medication and supplements that thin the blood. Pain medications to stop include Ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Aspirin, Midol, etc. Nutritional supplements to stop include Vitamin E, Fish-oil, Gingko, Garlic, and Ginseng. You may resume these medications and supplements 2 days after the procedure.


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