Brown Spots Specialist

What causes brown spots?

Your skin produces a pigment known as melanin to protect itself from damaging ultraviolet (UV) light rays. The brown spots which are made up of cells with increased melanin can slowly fade if you avoid all sun exposure. Even sun exposure through glass and on cloudy days can stimulate melanin production.

WIth age, brown spots become less reversible- meaning that even if you avoid all sun-exposure, the brown spots will lighten but not disappear.

Though it isn’t always clear why some men and women are more prone to developing brown spots than others, your risk increases due to:

  • Being over age 40
  • History of intense sun exposure in your youth
  • Having fair skin
  • Having a family history of liver spots

With advancements in medical lasers and clinical-grade treatments, you won’t have to live with embarrassing age spots another day.

How are brown spots treated?

At Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa, we treat brown spots several different ways. This means that if you haven’t had success somewhere else, we likely have a treatment that you haven’t tried. If the spot if raised then we can treat with cryotherapy or a state of the art hydrogen peroxide-based topical gel called Eskata. Eskata is a prescription product that we apply in the office.  If you have brown spots that are not raised and the pigmentation is deeper down under the first layer of the skin, then we would recommend one of several laser treatment.

At Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa, we have several laser options for brown spots. The MaxG handpiece for the IPL targets melanin pigment. It works best for larger spots on the face. The MaxYS handpiece targets lighter brown spots for the chest and hands. The 1540 Fractional non-ablative laser is best for even deeper, less well-defined pigmentation. It can treat Melasma or faint brown stains of the face, chest, and hands. Schedule a laser consultation today to understand your options.

When will I have results after a brown spot treatment?

It’s common to experience some redness and skin irritation for up to 24 hours after your Icon brown spot treatment. Once these initial side effects subside, you should start noticing an improvement in your skin’s tone and texture.

Usually, brown spots dramatically fade within two to four weeks. For optimal results, especially if you have severe brown spots, you may need a series of Icon treatments at Kind Dermatology and Medical Spa. A package of at least three sessions, spaced three weeks apart, yields the best results.

How can I prevent brown spots?

Brown spots and stains require careful skin care protocols to prevent them from coming back. The physicians at Kind Dermatology & Medical Spa formulate a unique skin care regimen to help you maintain your results. Regimens include sunscreens with zinc and titanium dioxide, antioxidant serums, and nightly medicated creams and serums with ingredients such as azelaic acid, glycolic acid, kojic acid, tranexamic acid, hydroquinone, and niacinamide.

Schedule your brown spot evaluation at Kind Dermatology and Medical Spa today. Click on the online scheduler, or call the clinic directly.

Individual results may vary.

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